Thursday, July 2, 2015

What is the real count of all the books I've read?

Is this a test on accuracy? I sure hope not. I can probably ballpark it and will attempt on my new task of updating my Goodreads shelves. I joined Goodreads in 2009 at the encouragement of my friend, A. At this point, I had a job where I travelled a lot and she felt this was a good way for us to keep in touch with what we are reading.  Fast forward to 2011...

I am now on a project in Los Angeles, CA. The company has brought in consultants from all over.  I team up with one, and we become fast friends.  We enjoy many of the same things even our choice of books.  I read WAY quicker than she does; often finishing and moving on.  Since day one, she has encouraged me to blog or at minimum keep a log of everything I've read.  So, L, this is all because of you.

Once I decided to put my reading musing to the virtual world, I also decided to update Goodreads. Before the 'Goodreads update project' began, I had only 84 books on my shelves.  I learned (and now love) that I can import my Amazon ebook purchases. HOLY HELL! I now have 1138 books on my shelves.  This does not count all the paper versions I have read.  As of "you may now use your personal electronic device in the airplane mode", I have not purchased a paper book until this year.  I still have all my past paper versions to load to shelves.  Now to answer your burning question: "What is your 'Goodreads update project'?

I am going through the shelves marking every book with date read (approximation of course), properly assigning the shelf, and rating with stars.  Will I add reviews i.e. back dating? Most likely no. Unless it makes sense to.  For example, I just reviewed Grey. I couldn't exactly write a coherent review unless you know how I felt about FSOG.  In that case, I did.  Unless the review cannot stand alone, then I am only going forward with publishing reviews to my shelves.

If you want to know how many books I have read, the titles/categories, and what I think, go visit me over at Goodreads:

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