Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Promote what I love reading: Managing friends and social media

"Could you ask your wife not to post so much? "  True Story. Yes, mutual friend asked my Husband.

I belong to only two Street Teams but do promote others.  Sometimes it is because I have already flagged them as an author I love thus buy next thing published.  Sometimes it may be an event I have been invited to in one of many book Facebook groups I belong to.  Other times, it may be a giveaway and I may win something.  Regardless as to the why, it's all in publicizing books and authors I appreciate and promoting the enjoyment of reading.  Being a part of a Street Team is unique and works best when you participate in various social media sites.

A Street Team is often part of a self-published authors ability to market new releases.  These self-pubs do not have the backing (i.e. financial means) to buy billboards, window signs in Barnes and Noble, or spreads in magazines that traditionally published authors do.  If the self-pubs didn't utilize social media, they would be solely dependent upon "Recommended to You." As you know from my previous post, that isn't always the best way to get attention to a book.  So, Street Teams are born. Authors, their Personal Assistants, and/or fans may create teaser images.  These images are posted to all social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, on and on.  Authors may also elect to do giveaways, read-alongs, author interventions on blogs, etc. to bring attention to a wider audience.  Again the Street Team comes into play.  We all have different friends.  The more the message is reached into cyber space, the more chance the author has at committing their lives to being a full-time author.  To summarize this very long spiel, we are author pimps. The Street Teams want our authors to be full time so in turn we get more reading product for our shelves.  It's a win-win.

So, why does my posts that show up on your News Feed offend your tender sensibilities? Let's go back to my profile bio. 
It's my number one favorite pastime. I've been reading since I was 4 years old. In other words, a very long, long time.  Would you like to watch a movie? Okay if I read too.  Would you like to go to the park? Okay if I read too.  Would you like to go to bed? Okay if I read too.  I think you get my drift.  Since it's too much work to scroll past my posts or turn off notifications for me or heck, unfriend me, I now have to manage you.  Awesome, I had nothing else to do in my spare time - oh like work on my blog.  Now, I have posting list groupings:  Book Promos, Fun Friends, Close Friends, Redding CA Friends, Non Book Friends, yada yada.  My new world order when pimping an author is to make sure I post to be visible to the correct grouping.  Again exhausting for me but made it easy for you.  Now, myownbbokshelves has it's own Facebook page.  I post there too.  Sometimes different stuff then here.  However, it's a public page but still my page.  If you like me, you'll just have to put up with my posts.  If you haven't found me, click here to give me a like.  Or not if this next paragraph offends you.

Do not be offend by anything I post.  Trolls are the worst.  You know the people out in cyber space who think it's their job to police the rest of us.  Because for whatever mindset they have, your post somehow offends this gentle balance - in their mind.  (insert eye rolling)  Now, I do want to warn you.  On Facebook - personal page - I post like I talk.  I have several descriptive words I like.  One especially starts with F and rhymes with mallard.  Do not go there about children or young impressionables being exposed.  I raised my child, not wanting to take on another. AND remember how Facebook was founded. It was a social hook up for college age Harvard students.  Meaning it was 18+ to start.  If you think kids haven't figured out how to bypass the "Enter your Age to continue onto this website", then I will show you how once you buy me the Brooklyn Bridge.  After that rant, I want you to know, I DO NOT TOLERATE BULLYING.  There is a difference between sarcasm and spiteful hurt.  Don't go there. 

Now, why talk about this.  Part is because I like to share my love of authors, books, read-alongs and such.  I really do want to have to worry about who might see it.  Don't like, agree or care, use the scroll feature.  It's on the right hand side of most webpages.  Next, I'm going to break my own rule. (GASP) Yes, I said this is a blog about reading.  Not a pimp site, reviews or that stuff.  I've got Facebook and Goodreads for that.  Well, October is a special month.  It's awareness on a very personal topic.  For that reason, I am going to break my own rule with my October 5th blog post.  See, going to make you come back.  All in my big devious plans. 

Do you struggle with social media?  Do you have to manage your friends? Or do they manage you? Join in the conversation below. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Fan Girl Activated: Black & Gold Author Event 9/12/15 Pittsburgh, PA

Pittsburgh, PA you say?

You went clear to Pittsburgh?  Yep, crazy girl I am.

And it was an absolute BLAST!  I not only got to have another filling day of author sightings, but made a wickedly fun girls weekend with some very favorite friends.  If you are Facebook friends, you've had the opportunity to view my non-author adventures.  It was a first time to Pittsburgh for me so I definitely made the most of it. Yes, let's get the number one question out of the way: I visited Primanti Bros. for lunch and was stuffed by the time we rolled out of there.  

YES - Way too much fun.  And came home with way more books and stuff than I planned.  However, I did bring my iPad cover.  This time I had authors sign the back side for this event.  The team from Southern Bell Book Blog made everything flow easily which made my time well spent meeting everyone who signed. 

Rather than gush about everyone I got the chance to meet, how'z about I share a few pictures I took?  I tried to do a decent job standing at their author banner so you know who they are too!  Here are some 'new to me' authors I got to meet.  Each one of them spent the time to talk about their books, ask where I came from ( big topic of the day), and you'll note as the day wore on so did the humidity increase. 

Comment time:  Check out her pants!!! They are covered in Ryan Gosling! Yes, Rachel Blaufield is that tall and wearing wedges.

Although I met the twins at SFGGA event in August, I failed at getting a picture.  Not failing this time getting one of Krista and Becca Ritchie.

Now to my 'must see'.  I was totally kicking myself for not getting a copy signed of The Vixen and The Vet.  What you haven't read?  Let me fix that.  Go click here: Buy this Modern Fairytale.  Now, she was one of the funniest reactions.  Because this was a surprise trip, I had to be sneaky with my pre-orders.  Katy was most accommodating in my stealthiness.  When I asked her to sign the back side of my iPad cover proudly letting her know she'd be one of two gracing it on both sides, she exclaimed, "Are you stalking me?".  Well, maybe.  But let's not make that so public. 

Next, up was Kim Holden.  My very dear book friend, D, introduced me to her writings.  If you haven't read Bright Side and Gus, it's a must read.  Both books complete the story.  I'd show you a picture of the tank top I got, but you really need to read Gus first.  So if you join the Bright Side Facebook group, you'll see a picture of me proudly wearing my "Gus...." tank.  The lovely lady to the right of Kim is another dear friend, Beth of Give Me Books.  Right now, she's still a dear friend because I haven't one-clicked any suggestions from her - this week.  But, she has promised I can come live with her and all my books when I go broke. 

My first Hockey Author goes to: Toni Aleo.  I have read the Assassin series several times.  Why? It's hockey.  That should explain it all.  Plus she's a talented writer and down right funny person.  There may have been a dinner later with a hot Sous Chef.  I think she still owes us a story. 

And lastly, in full stalker mode, I got to meet up with Sawyer Bennett and her awesome PA, Lisa!  They make my world fun every day!  I love these ladies hard. 

There was all sorts of fun our troop of book lovers got into.  There may have been drinking, inappropriate cupcakes, pirate wench, etc.  I hope someday you have the opportunity to go to a book signing with a few close friends.  It was a trip to remember.  

And lastly, a huge THANK YOU to Susan Stoker for helping us with the tickets. And Missy of Give Me Books blog for being an awesome roommate. 

Have questions about what to do or how to find a book signing in your neck of the woods?  Please comment below to start the conversation. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

How fast can you read? Time for something fun

So, I've said that I devour books.  In other words, a very fast reader.  I figure with age and distractions that I have slowed down. I found a post the other day on Facebook.  And as the story goes, I couldn't pass this up.  Staples has a test to check out your reading speed.  Here's the link:

Click here to start Staples eReader Speed Reading Test

Oh, of course I looked at this and yelled "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED".  Off I trot and take the test.

Now, I've discussed my speed reading.  Some of my book friends feel exactly like this bird.  They ask me how do I even get anything out of what I'm reading if I just skim through the book.

Well, first off - I do not skim. I actually do read.  And, I do give myself time to consider it - when I am finished reading.  See the beauty of eReaders is you have this item called highlight.  I can highlight a section to go back over when I stop to consider what I read.  I consider this a win-win.  Because I see no harm in reading fast.  You can ponder any time you choose to. 

My friends just love me when we buddy read.  Why? That was sarcasm.  I actually have almost wore a hole in my tongue refraining from letting anyone know what is to come.  I had a friend call me a 'vault'.  I wear that badge with honor.  Now, I do think the above picture at times when buddy reading. When I participate in group read-alongs ], I am the worst at staying with the group.  I'm giving it a try with the Sawyer Bennett Ryker read along (see blog Read Along Blog Info - click here).  Epic fail.  Day one and already I'm to Chapter 6.  Started another book just to slow me down.  Thank goodness we aren't together in person. I'd be like this cat.

Hey you say - so what did you score?  I'll share with you.  I was surprised my older brain actually reads and comprehends as well.

The test goes on to tell you how long it would take you to read a few classic books.  No, War and Peace isn't on my TBR shelf, but interesting to know I could do it in 16 hours.  Here we part.  Go take the test.  Share your score in the comments below.  Or your thoughts on reading fast versus reading slow.