Why yes, I did say I was going to 'try' to blog once a week when I restarted this whole blog idea over. However, for the month of October I really wanted to feature the amazing author Tori Madison and her debut books, Beneath it All and Beneath, You are Beautiful. She had the books boxed up together and donations going to Hope Chest for Cancer. I wanted anyone visiting my page to just have the opportunity to get to know Tori and her books. My Facebook page had a corresponding giveaway. I want to thank the seven lucky winners, everyone who liked the posts and took the chance on reading her books. As I disclosed, breast cancer awareness is a very special cause to my family so leaving the blog on her spotlight through October 31st was the plan.
But it's now November 14th? What have I been doing the last two weeks?
I've been hiding out in my TBR shelves. Reading, reading, reading. You see I had over a 150 books to be read. Choices to be made. Time to be committed.
I started with one book, then another and it rather snowballed into a two week binge of 20 books read. Throw in an ARC or two plus some beta reading. My spare time has been eaten up. The blog can wait. These books have my attention. Some more urgently than others. There actually was a point where I had three books in the juggle on my Kindle app.
Here is the price to pay: I have 16 reviews to write. Yep, I was too busy reading. On to my next book fix too unwilling to sit and write down my thoughts about what I read. I didn't live up to the sermon - I told you that the best way to show an author love is to write a review. Man, am I a sucky fangirl but...
Now, I am on Facebook/Pinterest/Twitter time out until I am caught up. What is worse? I have a book, HIM, sitting on my Kindle app begging to be read. You see, one of the bloggers at ShhMomsReading said to. And I do as I am told, most of the time. But, bad fangirls go the laptop corner on Goodreads and show authors love. But as soon as I'm done, back to reading heaven.
I know. You could really care less about my reading habits of the past 14 days. What about the blog? Well, never fear. I went to Authors In the OC on October 3rd. There are some great pictures and cool stories to share. Soon, I promise, soon.
Okay, time to turn the questions around: Do you just want to hole up in favorite reading spot and forget the rest of the world and its responsibilities exist like I did? Or does the fact that whatever the things you've left undone weigh too heavily on your mind to just shut it off for awhile? Please join in the conversation below.