Monday, July 13, 2020

Time to release your fears: Review of The Fear of Falling by B. Cranford

The only thing with more twists and turn than a roller coaster is love…

Title: The Fear of Falling
Author: B. Cranford
Release Date: July 13, 2020

Everyone knows love is a battlefield. For Lenny Johnstone, it’s more like a challenge.

Actually, everything is kind of a challenge for her. In comparison to her stunning—yet flighty—twin sister, Lenny’s awkwardly tall, painfully shy, and not so good at putting herself out there. Which is why she’s decided it’s high time she faced her demons. Starting with the one thing that’s always terrified her most: roller coasters.

Meeting a man was not on her summer to-do list. Falling for the tall, dark, and handsome stranger who wants to help her overcome her fears wasn’t either.

But Lenny’s about to learn that the only thing with more twists and turns than a roller coaster is love.

Please note: The Fear of Falling was originally released as a short story via the Read Me Romance Podcast, and has been extended into a novella-length book.

Only #99c or #FREE with Kindle Unlimited

Looking for a standalone to devour as the kids are occupied and you have blessed moments of peace? Look no further than B. Cranford's latest release. 

Sometimes you are looking for a story that just makes you feel good. You love the characters and there is nothing to 'fix'.  Well, okay yes. Lenny has some anxieties. And she has a bucket list to help conquer them. What she doesn't imagine is meeting Rowan to help conquer her fears. 

The story line flows naturally and you can't help loving the interaction between two opposites find each other. Rowan is the perfect man - sweet, understanding and patient. 

If you need some happy smiles and make your heart flutter, check out The Fear of Falling.

Recommendation: Buy It

Check out this #EXCLUSIVE Bite from The Fear of Falling, only on Book+Main!

If you’d like to hear the original version of The Fear of Falling, you can do so FREE over at Read Me Romance!

B. Cranford is a proud Australian living in the USA, a lover of books, breadsticks and bed, and the mother of two children who are far too similar to their father for her liking. A lifelong reader, she dove into the romance genre on the recommendation of her best friend and hasn’t looked back since. Her debut novel, The Brightest Star, a second chance romance with (she hopes) heart and humor was released on July 13, 2017, which just so happened to be her birthday. Because if you release a book on your birthday, you get twice as much cake, and that can only be a good thing.

Please feel free to contact Beth via email or to stalk her through her various social media sites, where she can be found procrastinating, playing games, sharing memes and just generally wasting time.

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