Sunday, November 13, 2016

Fangirl Activated: Little Rock Author Event November 2016

I'm going to apologize ahead but this is going to be a LOOONNNGGG ass post.   Besides going to a hosted author event in Arkansas (never been), I had adventures galore to share that fellow bookworms maybe able to appreciate.

Before I get to the ACTUAL book signing, I have to give you a bit of background on the how and why. Here goes...

Fellow admin in Darlene & Dexter's Book Nook was FINALLY going to go to her first signing event. YIPEE!  Besides that the talented and lovely Sawyer Bennett (a mutual fan favorite) would be in attendance.  Double YIPEE!! So, let's plan a trip to ala Pittsburgh.  And a secret plan was underway.

Since I had never seen this part of the country, I decided to do a weekend crazy road trip from North Carolina to Arkansas.  I flew into Raleigh and visited with fellow bookworm from Chicago event, Barbara.  The next morning I drove to Greensboro to see this lovely lady and darling young man.

Beth is a fellow book blogger at Panda & Boodle.  I highly recommend you follow her.  Where did we meet up? A bookstore of course!  Where I picked up a copy of Sugar Free for Sawyer Bennett to sign that weekend.  Parting is always sad, but I'm so glad I got to hug and see these faces for a few hours.  Off I drive through the gorgeous Smokey Mountains to Jonesboro.  Where I stop for gas here:

Next I stayed with Darlene and her accommodating husband to visit for a few before we headed to Little Rock.  Another book lover, Danielle, joined the caravan for the weekend.

Once we got there, mission Surprise Sawyer Bennett was underway.  Fellow roommate/booklover/LuLaRoe supplier Hannah joined in the mission of surprise. 

We had our map ready and I was safely tucked behind in line for operation Surprise.  We let Darlene go first to get hugs and kisses out of the way.  

However, Lisa, Sawyer's PA not in on Surprise, kept wandering. I couldn't wait.  So I barge in and shout:

"Break it up.  There is a line here."  

Yes, I shocked the shit once again out of Sawyer Bennett. High Five me!

Yes, fans the picture on the right is Sawyer looking at me with her mouth open as Darlene is laughing her butt off.  Don't you just love when a plan comes together?  Once the cat was safely out, picture taking commenced! 

Now, besides Sawyer, there were other authors and vendors in attendance that made it an awesome event.  Too many to say, such as H.K. Szczesaik, that took generous amount of time to discuss their stories. However shout outs to:

Hilary Storm - I met her the first time in Chicago and TOTALLY forgot she'd be in Little Rock.  Since I failed to get a picture in ChiTown that was quickly remedied.  If you haven't read her Pay for Play series with Victoria Ashley, it's a HOT recommend from me. 

Now, this lady is the BOMB.  Funny as hell.  And will on occasions have Facebook takeovers/wine time that you CANNOT miss.  If you love contemporary romance, she's a definite recommend.  I had first met her in Chicago.  If you have the opportunity, attend an event where she is at and get to know this rockin' author, JD Hollyfield

And what is a trip to the South without proper fried foods for dinner.  I met a new book friend, Amber, who I found we were in a lot of the same groups.  It's so cool to attend these events and meet people who are just as passionate as you are about reading.

After a impromptu LuLaRoe pop up in our hotel room, it was back driving to Raleigh to spend dinner with friends and of books. 

I encourage anyone and everyone to attend a book signing once.  It's amazing the people you meet and future books for your TBR. 

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